Haven't maintained this blog very well since it's difficult to attract readers. My valid claims to have discovered the cause of gravity and fully discredited Einstein's theories fall mostly on deaf ears since the masses have been so thoroughly brainwashed, and few people properly trained in science are in a position to weigh in. What I want to say now is that I have two important new videos that are also now included in the final section of the books available on Amazon, Foos's Theorem of G and The Big Bang Boozle. Search Google Al Foos Amazon. The first video properly explains Newton's g=GM/R^2 in an understandable way missing in textbooks. The second uses the natural definition of a meter to prove and properly understand the constancy of light speed c and at the same time disproving Einstein's phony special relativity. Please email me at if you have any questions. I might add that these two subjects are included in the paperback versions of the books, but for reasons that Amazon fails to explain were not added to the hardcover version. I can't even warn viewers of this because publishing is pending, seemingly indefinitely.
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