Dear Mr. Foos, 

Thank you for your email.


The Montana Board of Medical Examiners can only handle complaints against physicians or physician assistants who have treated you in the past.  In order for me to enter a complaint filed by a member of the public, I must have the first and last name of the physician with a specific allegation of what you are alleging the physician has done.  The physician’s license must currently be active.  Attached is a complaint form for your use.




LaVelle M. Potter

Compliance Specialist


Montana Department of Labor & Industry

PHONE (406)841-2362 | FAX (406)841-2363


Thanks much for your reply, but I either couldn't or wouldn't do that. This would involve at least a dozen doctors beginning with the team of five or six who stuck me on a Great Falls mental ward and ignored me back in 1980. I never knew their names. As is apparent forty years hence, the real problem goes much higher. There is something very seriously wrong with the way doctors are trained and influenced, also something VERY majorly wrong with the manner in which the government influences them or protects them from putting patients in danger. Of major importance, more than Covid-19, is the obvious refusal to diagnose and record instances of Lyme disease in Montana. I would not be so strident about it if there was any conceivable doubt that I caught the disease in 1964 in Montana and have suffered as much from medical coercion as from the disease itself. My sinuses will probably never be restored and I will likely eventually die from the disease, anyway. There must be thousands like me who have either died or been coerced into a diagnosis of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia or other weird stuff. The only appropriate action to take on the matter is to inform centers of influence at the top that the system is very badly broken, leading to many deaths and great suffering. Need I add that there is good reason to suspect that all three of my children were needlessly destroyed as a result of congenital Lyme or something similar combined with an unannounced MMR shot in 1993 that finished them off. This is high crimes in high places, not conspiracy theory, and something needs to be done about it. Please forward this message to your superiors. They should be accountable to all victims. Reference:

Thanks again, 
Alan Foos
